An Outstanding Reputation For Success
Experienced DUI Defense Lawyers in Bucks County
The cost of a drunk driving charge is easily underestimated. People often think about the fine itself. They forget about related costs, the most significant of which is often the increase in insurance premiums. They may also not be aware that time behind bars is a possibility.
When the costs of a driving under the influence (DUI) charge are added up, it is clearly worth fighting. And these charges can be fought. At Begley, Carlin & Mandio, LLP, our attorneys come to these cases with decades of criminal law experience. We know how to find the flaws in the evidence against you and will use that information to seek a win a dismissal or, at the very least, a reduction in the charge or penalties.
Call (215) 478-6839 for a FREE 30-minute consultation, or contact us by email.
Drunk Driving Charges Are Not Like Other Criminal Charges
DUI charges are uniquely complex in that there is an administrative process in addition to the criminal case. To protect your driver's license, you may have a Department of Motor Vehicles hearing with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT). This is separate and not necessarily dependent upon your criminal case. Our lawyers can guide you through both processes with the intent to minimize the overall impact and keep you behind the wheel if possible.
Call (215) 478-6839 for a FREE 30-minute consultation, or contact us by email.
The Legal Limit
You may think that your fate is sealed because you blew over the legal limit. Keep in mind that this evidence is not flawless. Breathalyzers may be handled improperly. They may not have been calibrated or maintained prior to use. The police officer may have violated your rights when conducting the traffic stop. All of these details could impact the outcome of your case. Let our experienced DUI lawyers help you.
Call (215) 478-6839 for a FREE 30-minute consultation, or contact us by email.
DUI Resources
PA DUI Laws and Chemical Testing
AA meetings in Bucks County and Philadelphia
Are sobriety checkpoints legal in Pennsylvania?
How to challenge field sobriety tests
Alcohol abuse leads to legal and health woes
What are the penalties for DUI in Pennsylvania?
Can you refuse a chemical test during a DUI stop in Pennsylvania?
What an accused individual is facing when charged with a DUI
Understanding different types of DUI charges
Installing an ignition interlock can help you keep driving in PA
Accused individuals should know the elements of a DUI charge
The importance of a criminal defense strategy for DUI charges
Breathalyzer basics and how to challenge them
Does failing a breath test mean a conviction is inevitable?
What are the defenses to drunk driving?
What are potential DUI penalties?
How would Bill 961 change Pennsylvania’s DUI laws?
How to respond to drunk driving charges
College students, DUI charges and university conduct codes
DUI defenses and legal help with drunk driving charges
Ignition interlock devices continue growing more common
Request a Free Consultation
We offer free 30-minute consultations, and anything beyond that is subject to a fee. This is your opportunity to tell us about your case and find out how we can help you move forward. Call 215-750-0110 or send us an email today.
Langhorne Office:
680 Middletown Boulevard, Langhorne PA 19047
New Hope Office:
123 W. Bridge Street, New Hope PA 18938